The fast growing Indian economy offers immense potential for the Mutual Fund Industry

The experience of the developed world and other emerging markets has shown that the share of Mutual Fund investments to GDP / Savings has grown significantly over the years. This has been possible through a combination of various factors that include investor awareness, product innovation, robustness of distribution and quality of market infrastructure

India can be no different, if the above elements come together and a conducive environment is created. For the Government of India, financial inclusion is an objective of high priority. Therefore, market players should endeavor to help in achieving this national objective.

Keeping the above in view and looking at the current infrastructure with specific reference to Mutual Funds, Association of Mutual Funds in India (AMFI) has been taking various initiatives from time to time. One of the most ambitious initiatives has been to create an enabling infrastructure for Mutual Funds that is future ready, scalable, cost efficient, provides national & global reach and provides benefits to various stakeholders.

MF Utilities India Pvt Ltd (MFUI) is the Mutual Fund Industry’s “Shared Services” initiative formed by the Asset Management Companies (AMCs) of SEBI registered Mutual Funds under the aegis of AMFI, with an objective of investor empowerment, distributor / RIA convenience, consolidation of information to various agencies, operational efficiency for RTAs and benefits to AMCs, thereby benefitting all stakeholders in the industry. The prime objective of MFUI is to consolidate all “Transaction Requests” received by the industry from multiple sources and transmit it to the “Fulfiller” of the request (Transfer Agent), thereby bringing in operational efficiency by reducing multiplicity and duplication of activities. Towards achieving this objective, MFUI has developed the Portal, MF Utility (MFU), which operates as a “Transaction Aggregating System” for transactions in Mutual Funds.

MF Utility (MFU) is an innovative initiative of the Indian Mutual Fund Industry that brings significant benefits to all stakeholders, i.e. Investors, Distributors, RIAs and Asset Management Companies, by leveraging technology, MFU will bring many conveniences to the investors and distributors /RIAs and allow Mutual Funds to significantly enhance their reach and presence in the country to further the goals of retail penetration. MFU will also help remove duplicities in the system and reduce the inherent risks in the industry.

MFUI is equally owned by the AMCs of SEBI registered Mutual Funds in India.

Mission Statement

To provide reliable and resilient value added network and application services for B2B and B2C initiatives that

  • minimize risks
  • promote timely efficient and automated interactions at reduced cost.

Vision Statement

To be the change “we want” for the mutual fund industry and its stakeholders.

*** With a view to improve performance and enhance the high availability of MFU System, it has been decided that transactions older than the previous Financial Year i.e., transaction data prior to 1st April 2022 will be archived on 18th April 2023. * * * “If you have any dispute against a listed company and or its Registrar and Share Transfer Agent (RTA) on delay or default in processing your request, as per SEBI circular dated 30.05.2022, you can file for arbitration with Stock Exchange.” For more details, please see the web links of the stock exchanges: BSE - NSE – * * * Please ensure to validate your Nomination Details registered under CAN. Click here to complete the validation if not already done. * * * Please ensure to verify your Contact Details registered under CAN. Click here to complete the verification if not already done. * * * Check out the Videos about MFU and the features offered. * * * Explore the new and improved Schedule Transactions feature using which you can register a Scheduled Purchase Plan (SPP), Scheduled Redemption Plan (SRP) and Scheduled Switch Plan (SSP) * * * Download the MFU Mobile App Distributor Mobile App goMF available for Android and IoS * * * Use the Connect menu on the top menu bar to lodge a Complaint / Query / Feedback. * * * MPIN / Touch ID based authentication is now enabled on the goMF app. Please update the App to start using this feature.